Health and Medicine

Wellness through research and revolutionary patient care

Health and Medicine

Wellness through research and revolutionary patient care

How brain research breakthrough could spark next generation of hearing devices
New brain research has busted a 75 year-old theory about how humans hear. Distinguished Professor David McAlpine explains how the findings could lead to better voice recognition technology as well as more advanced hearing devices.
Online treatment as effective as face-to-face for kids with anxiety, study finds
An online program to help children and teenagers beat anxiety has been shown to be as effective in the long term as treatment with a therapist, potentially improving access to care while saving families money.
Why sleep soothes distress: neurobiology explained
A study published in Nature Reviews Neuroscience in March by an international team including the Woolcock’s Dr Rick Wassing examined research into sleep disorders over more than two decades to prove a good night’s sleep is the perfect remedy for emotional distress.
Plant-based beef wins in the environmental stakes
Plant-based beef performs dramatically better than the animal version when it comes to climate change and land use, but there is no clear winner in the nutrition stakes, according to new research.
New study reveals potential link between delirium and dementia
An analysis of anonymised hospital records for more than 110,000 people aged over 65 in New South Wales over 11 years has found “a smoking gun” linking delirium and dementia, researchers say.
Australia progressing on energy transformation but more action needed: new report
Substantial changes to Australia’s electricity generation have set the country on a firmer path to reducing carbon dioxide emissions, according to a new report published today in the Medical Journal of Australia.
Please explain: Should you wear sunscreen all year round?
Summer may be officially over, but here's why you should wear sunscreen every day of the year. Macquarie University general practitioner at MQ Health's Skin Cancer Clinic, Dr Vivianne Xia, explains.
World first: Zebrafish discovery to speed testing of MND and dementia treatments
Tiny, transparent fish have made it possible for Macquarie University neuroscientists to observe damaging protein clusters forming in real time, opening the way for testing potential early interventions for motor neuron disease (MND) and dementia.
Surprising risk factors in adult hearing loss: data review
Chemotherapy, radiotherapy, certain strong antibiotics, and even COVID-19 have emerged as surprising risk factors for adult-onset hearing loss.
How three hours could add up to a better retirement
A three-hour online course covering health and career considerations as well as financial planning can better equip people as they prepare for retirement, researchers have found.
Please explain: The rise and rise of vapes
On January 1 it became illegal to import disposable vapes, and while Australia waits for legislation to make selling them without a prescription unlawful, why are young people still taking up the deadly habit?
Boost to palliative care may be needed for cancer patients
Nearly one-third of people who died from cancer in NSW between 2014 and 2019 received hospital care that could be classified as “potentially burdensome” in the month leading up to their death, according to a new study.